June 11, 2010

How Far I've Fallen.

It has happened.
I am officially a Baseball Mom.

I now have 2 players in All-Star tournaments.
This means...

I am running to no less than 10 practices per week.....
at different times and different locations....

I am in very real danger of dislocating my shoulder hauling around a cooler full of ice and water...

I spend at least 3 hours per week frantically looking for a lost mitt, or batting glove, or special yellow sock before games...

My new signature scent is a combination of Deep Woods Off bug spray and Banana Boat sunscreen...

I am now a professional red-clay-stain-getter-outter-of-white-baseball-pants (Cascade Dishwasher Soap, Yo!)...

I know the location of every bathroom at every baseball park within driving distance of our farm, AND I can tell ya which stalls are clean and have working locks...

I no longer have a name... I will be forever called #33's Mom or #13's Mom....

I have bruised palms from clapping and a raspy voice from cheering...

I actually OWN a shirt that says..... "Ben's Mom" & "Brooke's Mom" with cute little baseball logos across the front...

I am one of those women I used to point and giggle at!

Karma..... it's a bitch!

P.S , If you see me running around town in a mini van, picking up purple Pom-Poms, Gatorade, And orange slices please PLEASE shoot me.